
The Top 5 Tattoo Shops in Washington DC

Washington DC Tattoo Shops

If you’re in Washington DC and itching for some ink, visit one of the few tattoo shops that are located around this beautiful city. And dont just visit any tattoo shop, go to one that has the highest overall rating based on Reviews. Below are the Top 5 Tattoo Shops located in our nations Capital. You can rest assure that when you visit one of these shops, you’ll be more than satisfied with the results. These shops listed below are trusted, clean and friendly. One of my personal favorites is Tattoo Paradise, those guys put out some solid work.

Best Tattoo Shops in Washington DC

Name Shop Address City State Ratings Reviews
#1 Fatty’s Tattoos 1333 Connecticut Avenue Washington DC 4.5 23
#2 Tattoo Paradise 2444 18th Street Washington DC 4 21
#3 Jinx Proof Tattoos 3285 M Street Washington DC 4 15
#4 DC Ink 1203 U Street Washington DC 4 14
#5 Off the Hook Tattoos 1414 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 3 7


Have you got some work done at one of these shops listed above? Leave a Review!


Fall 2014

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November 15, 2014